Mathison Family

Mathison Family

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Chloe and Jill

In the Car on the way to KC !

Swimming at Coco Keys in KC

Being CUTE !

Being NOT so cute !!

Here are some recent fun pictures of Jill and her BFF Chloe. Hope they make you laugh and remember what fun it is to be a kid!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Emporia Tumbling Meet

The Civic Center in Emporia. Great place to have a meet.

Jill had another meet this weekend, We had a 4 hour drive to Kansas, through Topeka and then south to Emporia. It was a nice drive, no bad weather, and lots of fun conversation. Jill scored 8.7 on tumbling and got 5th place, 9.2 on double mini, and got 2nd place and 7.5 on trampoline and got 3rd place. She did a great job this weekend, improving on every event from last week. Her next big meet in in DesMoins Iowa on May 2nd. We stopped on the way back in Topeka for dinner and met Dedra at the Barnes and Noble. She looks great of course, and it was nice to catch up and chat. I miss seeing her everyday. I should have taken a picture :) Have a great week!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Kansas City Gymnastics Meet

This is Jill warming up on Floor.

Jill and Chloe at the meet

Jill and a few of the kids on her team.

Jill's First Medal at a meet!!

Jill did well at her very first meet. She placed 3rd ( bronze medal) on Floor, She placed 4th on double mini, and fourth on the Trampoline. She could have done better, and I am sure she will at the next meet in Emporia, Kansas. She was very nervous and was not able to show her best. I was proud of how she handled her disappointment, she said she was mad at herself because she knew he could do better, but she was still having fun. I'm sure this week will be better having the first meet behind her. We spent the day at Coco Keys and that we super fun for Jill and her friend Chloe. We went out to dinner with Amanda and Nick and saw their new house -SO cute, and their new puppy Louis ( named after Louis the XIV ) We had a slight mishap the morning of the meet when I printed out the WRONG directions to the meet and we ended up in KANSAS... UGH I was freaked out, but we managed ( with the help of Amy) to get back to Misourri and to the meet in time for Jills warm up. I thought we were going to be late, but traffic was in our favor and we made it with 30 min to spare. Other than that, the weekend was great... 6 inches of snow in Omaha, but none in KC so we had great weather, and made great memories. Off to Emporia to see Dedra, Adam and the boys.... Nice that I have friends in all the areas Jill has meets.

Say goodbye to Toby :(

Toby on Tim's lap.. He liked to snuggle

I Love you Toby and miss you very much

Toby went to Kitty heaven this weekend. He was my engagement gift from Tim back in 1995. He was old and not feeling very well, but it was still very hard to say goodbye. He was the best Valentine a girl could ask for. He snuggled me every night, he got me through 4 months of being bed ridden with Cal, and back surgery, and every other moment that I was in bed...So was Toby. He was my constant companion around the house and I have to say I am very lonely without him today. I hope he is feeling better in Heaven. We loved you very Much Toby, thanks for the last 13 years of love. I miss you.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Heading to KC

This is Jill when she was just begining ( age 4)... I'll put after shots up next week
Amy and Chloe ( Jill's gallery of fans)

We are heading to KC on Friday to attend Jill's first Trampoline and Tumbling Meet. Our plan is to stay at the Sheraton with the Coco Keys attached ( even though it is NOT swimming suit season) I might have to forget mine :) ... Amy and Chloe are going to join us for the trip and we are super happy about that. Jill performs at 10:30 on Floor, 1:00 on Double mini, and 2:30 on Trampoline. sounds like a long day ! I am excited to see how she does in this new venue, she has only competed in artistic gymnastics. We are also going to dinner with Amanda Hurd and her fiance' Nick, it is her birthday that night so we will have a lot to celebrate. Amy and I have not seen her or Nick since our trip to Paris, we are excited to catch up with them... rumor has it they have a new Puppy!